The best Spider-Man movies list


What makes your list of the best Spider-Man movies? Before we get into our list, let’s get into what makes Spider-Man tick? The first thing is the relatability. We all have been teenagers, we all have had teenage problems, and have been clueless about tackling them. Spider-Man offers a great escape, and an alternate reality we would have loved to be a part of.

On the eve of the Spider-Man: Far From Home India release, swinging your way is my take on the best Spidey movies so far, what worked, what didn’t, which actor has immortalized Spider-Man for generations, the best Spidey villains, the cute screaming Mary Jane Watson, growing up blues, parallel universes and other Spidey threads and webs.

Spider-Man (2002)
There is nothing like the first time and repeat viewings of Spider-Man is a constant joyous affirmation of that feeling. Upside down kisses, anyone?

Tom Holland may fit hand-in-web playing the bumbling, cell-phone wielding, fast-talking contemporary teenage Peter Parker/Spider-Man, but the easy vulnerability, liquid fluency and courage-under-fire touches that Tobey Maguire bought to the part are still unmatched.

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man has all the comic book flourishes that splash with brilliant vivacity on screen. Elaborate action sequences add to the flourish, as does a fiendish, vintage wolf-grin villain in William Dafoe as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin.

A relatable girl-next-door act by Kirsten Dunst, an amazing, uncanny portrayal of J. Jonah Jameson, Daily Bugle editor by a brilliant J.K. Simmons (a mind-blowing performance never spoken about), and a young, raw James Franco as Harry Osborn add to a fresh dash of a fun superhero movie for kids and adults alike.

Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Before Sam Raimi repeated and made trash of the redundant formula in Spider-Man 3, in Spider-Man 2, he conjured a damn bloody satisfying cinema hall blockbuster.
Everything melds together like jazz music here. The Doctor Octopus – Spider-Man interplay is almost an enthralling dance faceoff, arguably the best Marvel hero-villain chemistry ever, and who can forget Spidey falling off the train, sliding down the road among New York cabs, throwing webs, jumping skyscrapers with yelling jumps and making it to the train again! High adrenaline stuff, still unmatched in later Spidey movies.        
Spider-Man 2 is a kind of movie where everything fits, the highs and lows, the lost and found love, a crumbling friendship, ever-important action sequences, Danny Elfman score, and the last time we forgave Kirsten Dunst madly screaming for help…
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
I couldn’t resist adding this animation take into the live action basket, just for the sheer audacity of going sci-fi and turning the Spidey world upside down. Golly, loved the groovy reinvention, a risk that pays off in every rich palette frame.
What gorgeous clear speck animation and a daring parallel universes concept that unexpectedly works damn well for this surprisingly funny, zany somersault of an experience.
I envy all who caught it at the cinemas and the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature is, take a bow, filmmakers, oh so well-deserved here. Can’t wait for the sequel!
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
The double disappointments of the Andrew Garfield-starring Spider-Man movies needed heavy renovation cum reinforcements – Jon Watts-directed Spider-Man: Homecoming did exactly that. 

Homecoming is the least ambitious of my favourite Spidey flicks in terms of plot and novelty. But Watts gets the bumbling, stumbling teenage Peter Parker tone bullseye right, allowing us space to get used to Tom Holland’s character gradually learning things like all teens do, by making him do zillions of mistakes. Audience connect was thus restored and Spidey was back with a Tony Stark-gifted super suit, hotter-younger (?!!) Aunt May, a fat friend-sidekick and a not-yet-screaming-for-help MJ in tow, nerd-neighbourly and definitely friendly.

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